ATP Reagent SL is a Stable Light (SL) reagent with a decay of ATP and light emission of less than 1% per minute. The stable light allows manual handling and you can use a simpler luminometer. The detection limit is 10-15 mole ATP, making the reagent suitable for assays of mammalian cells and for the continous monitoring of enzymatic reactions.
Product characteristics
Delivery form: Lyophilised reagent in a glass vial, sealed under argon
Reconstitution: In 23-101 Diluent C. A further 5 fold dilution in Tris-EDTA buffer or other suitable buffer is recomended, for maximum performance.
Number of assays: Up to 250 analyses in a 96 well microplate format or 50 analyses in cuvette format.
Linear range: From 10-15 to 10-12 mole ATP, depending on the linearity of the luminometer.
Storage: +4°C
Shelf life: 2 years from date of delivery at +4°C. Reconstituted reagent should be used within a week.
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